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  Gretta Knows......  
  ...a Hero comes Home!:   June 26, 2014 Edition  
      Paws To You my Friends! It’s another beautiful day here in my heavenly home. This is definitely not like Ohio weather, that is for sure! Each and every day the sun shines, the temperature is 75 degrees, a soft wind whistles through the tall, green meadow grasses, the creek flows making a peaceful sound as it runs endlessly, the large oak trees create a blanket of shade....ahh I love this place. Dogs and cats roam wherever they wish, but it seems we all pick certain areas that we call our own little piece of heaven. Since I arrived, the top of the meadow hill has been my little piece of heaven.
      Sady the guard dog from the Rainbow Bridge is making his way up the meadow hill. I prance down to meet him. He explains that a very special dog will be arriving later on in the day and he wanted me to keep a look out for a group of dogs coming from the other side of doggy heaven who have been summoned to greet our new arrival. Sady kindly barked asking if I would lead them to the front of the bridge.
      I asked Sady how I would be able to identify this group of dogs. Well he said they are a group of K-9 police hero dogs, some call them the angels in blue, and there are a few your hometown of Boardman. They each still wear their badges proudly around their necks. You will notice a pride in their stance and their heads are held high. They are known as Police K-9 Heroes, and one of their brothers named Robby will be arriving today.
      I assured Sady that I would keep watch for them and would be honored to lead them to the bridge. I laid down to keep watch. Time passed by, then I saw in the distance a group of dogs coming my way! Following them were dogs and cats who joined in and followed behind the K9 pack. I ran down to meet them and we began the journey to the Rainbow Bridge.
      We walked in silence until we reached the bridge. The K9 pack sat down patiently watching and waiting. Together they suddenly stood and all looked across the bridge when Sady barked that the time had arrived. Canine Robby stood tall as he greeted Sady. Sady told him he could take his time and say his goodbyes before crossing over to his new heavenly home.
      Canine Robby looked back and barked “I am so proud to have served my hometown of Boardman for 8 years, from 2002 to 2010. I was totally devoted to my handler and we were inseparable.” Robby looked downward as he said, “I protected my handler and will miss the companionship and love that we shared. Together we were a team making many criminal, drug and cash seizures. We even helped other area departments start their own K9 programs. I was called the model police dog, but honestly all us K9’s do what we are trained to do, to protect our handlers and the people of our community at all cost. I’ll always remember how much I enjoyed visiting schools and organizations with my handler, demonstrating some of our teamwork skills. What a team we were!
      He then howled the K9 prayer: I will lay down my life for you and expect nothing but love in return. I protect my officer with my life, and would gladly take a bullet in his place. I am sent in to find lost children and fugitives on the run. I find drugs and weapons and even bombs. I am the first sent in and sometimes the last to leave. I am the nose and ears of my officer. I protect and serve him. I would die for him and for you. I only ask for compassion and a kind word.
      Robby turned to Sady and exclaimed my life of 14 years was fully lived! I did my job with pride in my heart, serving with the police department and helping to keep my hometown a safe place to live. My handler gave me a life of compassion, love and kindness as did all that I served. You will be in my doggy soul and heart forever and ever.
      Sady nodded his head, and Robby took his last look backward, letting out a dog sigh. Together Sady and Robby began their trip across the bridge. Sady explained that his name has been inscribed next to a badge on a plaque at the end of the bridge, and there are some fellow police K9’s waiting to greet him. All of a sudden Robby’s nose rose in the air as he noticed familiar police K9’s standing at the end of the bridge.
      Robby ran to greet them. All of the dogs and cats howled and meowed at the Police K9 Heroes. I went over to meet Robby to welcome him and turning toward the K9’s I barked, “we are gathered here wanting to tell you how proud we are of your bravery, of your sacrifices, courage and fearless acts to keep our hometowns safe. You along with all the K9 police heroes standing here are loyal companions and you unselfishly would give your lives to ensure your handlers, fellow officers, and citizens stay safe. Then howls and purrs could be heard echoing throughout the heavens.
      Robby, along with the other K9 police heroes, began running up the meadow hill. The rest of the heavenly pack followed. As we showed Robby his new home, he turned slightly and the sunshine illuminated the badge hanging around his neck, giving off a bright glow. The K9 police heroes looked to Robby, held their heads high, and off they ran down the hill to take Robby to their little piece of heaven. The rest of us barked, meowed, and cheered as we knew Robby was now safely home...his tail, the K9 police heroes tails were a waggin.....Yes it is definitely a tail waggin day!
      Gretta, a Golden Retriever, spent almost 15 years at The Boardman News. She greeted all who entered with a wag of her tail! She died in November of 2012.
      Send your animal tributes/stories to:
      The Boardman News, 8302 Southern Blvd., S2A, Boardman, OH 44512
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