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  Gretta Knows......  
  ....Life Lessons:   July 10, 2014 Edition  
     Paws to you my friends! I’m on my way down the meadow hill to the big oak tree down by the creek. Some of my heavenly pals always seem to come by and we usually lay listening to the creek and barking amongst ourselves about our doggy thoughts.
      As I get closer to the oak tree, I notice Lucky and Squeeky, two cats who reside on this side of doggy heaven, chasing each other and Kachina, Dutch, Sebastian, Remington and Ruger, all labs playing in the creek. Standing on the shore barking with excitement as they watch the labs play are Ziti, Tank and Rasta. I stop in the shade of the big oak tree and feel a doggy grin come over my face as I feel the happiness in the air as everyone plays.
      The soft grass looks so inviting I think I will just lay down here and enjoy the moment. Soon the labs come up over the bank of the creek. Once they stop to greet me they all decide to shake the water from their fur before collapsing to lie down next to me. Now I know how you earthly masters felt when us canines would decide to shake water from our fur....and why you always shouted ahhhh.
      After letting out their doggy sighs of contentment, Remington remarked, “this is such a happy place, a peaceful place”. Ruger barks, “how wonderful it would be if we could pass our life lessons to everyone on earth”.
      Sebastian howls, “Each and every day we can pass life lessons to those around just by how we act. We all can pass happiness to those around us. I always greeted everyone with a doggy smile and a wag of my tail. Each day I’d anxiously greeted my masters at the door! No matter how their day was, when they saw my excitement and joy, they smiled and petted me. A simple doggy smile can make someone’s day a little brighter.”
      I barked, “When I am happy or excited my whole body jiggles with joy. I jump and twist and suddenly happiness spreads to those around me. Happiness is contagious. Anyone that is around me is soon feeling the joy.”
      Kachina barked in, “I always liked to stop and smell everything in sight when I’d go for a walk. The grass, the flowers, you name it I smelled it! Life couldn’t be better while on my walk, not a care in the world just the beauty all around me. My master would sometimes try to hurry me on but I went about my smelling. What a beautiful world and I wanted to see it all. Everyone needs to take time to stop and smell the roses, as the saying goes.”
      Ziti barks, “I was never afraid to ask for what I wanted. If I wanted to go outside, I’d pace back and forth or scratch at the door. When I wanted some loving, I’d jump right up into my masters lap. When I wanted petted I’d get my nose under my masters hand and nudge it over and over until he’d reach down and pet me. If I just laid around and never asked for what I wanted my masters would think I was content and not bother me. My lesson is, that if you want something you have to ask for it. No one knows your dreams or desires but you.”
      Tank loudly barks, “We all need dog pals, or cat pals as he glances at Lucky and Squeeky. When I see other dogs I run over and give them a sniff. Sometimes the other dog wants to play and off we go. But there are times when I sense the other dog wants to be left alone, so I move on to find another friend who might want to play. Rejection is not going ruin my day! There are lots of good dog pals to go around!”
      Rasta howls in, “All of us come in all shapes and sizes. It was so comforting when I arrived here in doggy heaven for no one worried about who my parents were, if I was bigger or smaller than them, or the color of my fur. Everyone just saw another opportunity to make a new friend.
      Lucky purrs in, “I remember when my masters had a bad day or were not their usual happy selves. I’d crawled up on their lap to just lay there and comfort them. They would stroke me and tell me their problems. Sometimes all we have to do is just be there. Nothing beats a friendly paw to cry on!”
      Squeeky meows, “One lesson I learned was to never take myself too seriously. If I didn’t have time to lick my fur before being left outside, it really didn’t matter, I’d do it later. I didn’t want to miss the chance to go outside. I wanted to enjoy the moment I was given. Days and years pass by so quickly, enjoy the moments!”
      “Although we never had any school education or never achieved any trophies, us dogs and cats are pretty smart. We can make our masters smile, play and feel better about themselves. Just the simple things can make a big difference in someone’s life.” I added.
      As I looked around, all my heavenly pals were lying in the grass, head between their paws, doggy grins galore....and yes their tails were awaggin’.
      Gretta, a Golden Retriever, spent almost 15 years at The Boardman News. She greeted all who entered with a wag of her tail! She died in November of 2012.
      Send your animal tributes/stories to:
      The Boardman News, 8302 Southern Blvd., S2A,
      Boardman, OH 44512 or email to:
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