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  Gretta Knows.....  
  HAPPY HOWL-IDAYS:   December 24, 2015 Edition  
     Happy Howl-idays my friends! I wish you could join us in our heavenly paradise! Dogs and cats are barking, meowing, and howling as they run about! There’s a magic in the air. You can feel it surround you! It enters your heart and soul! It’s a peace, a joy that makes us all want to jump and twist and shake. It’s Christmas! What a joyful time of the year.
      My heavenly pals and I gather at the top of the meadow hill daily, watching everyone in our home towns get ready for Christmas. Seeing our master’s families gather together brings memories of our many Christmas seasons with them. Remembering the smiles and hearing the laughter of family and friends. Gifts were given, and loving hugs were shared. I especially remember the luscious treats that were passed to me and the kind gentle strokes given by so many. Love was all around, and shared by all!
      We recall how our masters would always go to church on Christmas Eve, to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Then they would return and the festivities would begin. They’d sing these Christmas songs that would make us howl! And howl!
      On Christmas morning many of the heavenly pals recall being awaken to the sound of footsteps rushing to see what was under the tree. I’d always pick my spot and lay by the tree to be right in the middle of the crumpled wrapping paper to watch and feel the excitement of the children opening their gifts.
      My masters always had a way of making me feel a part of the family as they would make a big fuss over me, calling my name, getting me to my feet by saying ‘look what we have for’ and then petting my back, as they made their way over to the chimney. They’d take down a stocking with my name on it and lay it right in front of me. Ooooh, yummy yummy, a stocking filled with bones, chew toys, biscuits and even tennis balls. How special that gift was! They remembered me and made me feel so special and so loved! It’s not the size of the gift, but the love expressed in giving!
      All the heavenly pals barked as we counted our blessings….to be loved and treated so special, brought a big doggy grin to us all.
      From a distance Sady the guard dog, howled for us to come to the sight of the Rainbow bridge. We have all worked hard over the past few months to make a new pathway for our brothers and sisters to stroll down when they come to join us in our heavenly home. We have howled and barked at our heavenly meetings trying to design a peaceful pathway for others to enter their new paradise. After some yelping we decided to name it Pawprints to Paradise.
      As we get closer to the new Pathway, Sady explained that there are two dogs whom will be arriving shortly, just in time for Christmas. Anxiously we stand and wait! Sady suddenly begins his walk to meet the new arrivals.
      I notice two dogs, one being a cockapoo and the other had beautiful white fur and brown patches. Both dogs have their heads lowered as Sady barks gently to them, welcoming them to their new heavenly home. The cockapoo barks that his name is Charity and his new found pal is Crawford. Crawford is a little timid so Charity continues to bark for him as he explains how they met on their journey here to their new home.
      Sady barks, ‘when you are ready you can follow the Pawprints to Paradise pathway, where you will meet our heavenly pals who are anxiously waiting to meet you.’’ Charity sadly barks, we will never be able to see our masters again and Crawford whines softly.
      Sady barks softly, you may not be able to sit or lay next to them or feel their loving touch, but you will always be able to watch them and the loving memories you created together, will always remain in your hearts.
      As Sady disappears down the pathway, Crawford yelps to Charity, it’s so hard to leave the security and love that we knew. I want to go back! Charity murmurs, “lift up your head and take a look around. This is a beautiful place. Let’s go over to check out the Pathway to Paradise”…. Carwford hesitantly follows Charity.
      They both stop and look up, rays of warm sunshine are reaching peacefully for the ground as the wind gently produces a symphony of sounds, leaves rustling, flowers swaying, birds flying and singing. It is a breathtaking pathway, filled with a peace and warmth that wraps Charity and Crawford in a secure comfort, bringing a quiet calm to their doggy hearts and souls.
      As they continue to walk, weaving through the Pathway, Charity and Crawford’s heads rise, and they begin to feel a joy, noticing a prance to their step….the sadness of leaving their masters, families and friends begins to leave and is replaced by a joy in anticipation for what lies ahead!
      At the end of the Pathway they notice words inscribed in the large oak tree, ‘What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; All that we love deeply, becomes a part of us forever.’
      As Charity and Crawford look outward, they see all the heavenly dogs and cats, suddenly hearing barks, meows, howls, all welcoming the two. Charity and Crawford both turn their heads looking back at the Pathway... barking this message to their masters.
      ‘Do not mourn our passing, for we wish you could see by leaving all our earthly bonds, we’re young again and free. By day we run the Heavenly meadows, our bodies healthy and strong. At night we sleep curled up at Angels’ feet, dreaming of all our days spent with you. So do not mourn our passing, just close your’ll see we’ are now running with our Heavenly Pals and our tails are always ‘awaggin.
      As the heavenly pack begins to make their way up the meadow hill, they stop and turn and in unison howl a message to their masters, ‘when you feel us in your heart, just look up and we’ll be right here......Wishing you a blessed Merry Christmas and a Pawsitively, Hi-Paws, Happy New Year.
      Dedicated with love to the masters of Charity, Dawn Elaine and Mike Muder and the masters of Crawford, Taylor and Peggy Evans.
      Gretta, a Golden Retriever, spent almost 15 years at
      The Boardman News. She greeted all who entered with a wag of her tail! She died in November of 2012.
      Send your animal tributes/stories to: The Boardman News,
      8302 Southern Blvd., S2A, Boardman, OH 44512 or
      email to:
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