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  GRETTA KNOWS ....... Coming Home!  
  July 12, 2018 Edition  
Gretta & Miakoda
     Hi Paws to my dear friends! I have so missed connecting with you! I had to spread my dog-angel wings and go on a journey back to my earthly home to be with my sister Miakoda.
      There are times when a family member or friend may need our help. All of a sudden we are on a journey when our normal life and activities go by the wayside. Our total time commitment is given to care and help them, because of our sincere true love which we hold within our heart, mind and soul.
      It is so difficult to watch someone reach the point in their lives when they are unable to physically or mentally manuever as they once did. Miakoda was entering the last few months of her life and the only place I wanted to be, was with her, to give her comfort and strength.
      I remember the day in 2006 when Miakoda came home with my masters. She was this little brown, black and white sheepdog. I was her older sister and we became great pals, although there were moments, when she would grab onto to my tail with her puppy teeth, my fondness of this cute little puppy lessened briefly.
      Miakoda struggled her whole life. She had seizures at a young age and eventually took medication all her life to control them. She was full of non-stop energy. She loved to chase tennis balls, sticks, anything, all day long and all night long if she could. Mia never stopped pacing or moving until she collapsed at night to sleep.
      She had such a remarkable, kind and caring heart. When our master would cough or sneeze, she stopped whatever she was doing and ran over, placing her head on our master’s lap, until Mia knew she was ok.
      Last week Mia had the bestest dogday in a long time. She struggled, but she swam, she ran, she played all day with the big dogs. If dogs could smile, she wore the biggest dog-grin ever! During the night she had a stroke and was unable to walk in the morning! I never left her side. I tried to help her stand, I crawled along side her, as she tried to get to her master. I so wished us dog-angels could sprinkle some miracle dust to give you more time, but God was calling Mia home!
      I stayed alongside Mia on her journey to PawPrints Paradise. She’s Coming Home!
      When we arrived Mia stood overlooking heavens PawPrints Pathway, that would take her to her new heavenly home.
      As we both stood there, tears flowed through our eyes. I yelped to Mia that I had watched her master write this note. I barked.....
      ..... I miss Mia very much. Everytime I go for a walk with her brother Paco, I’m looking back for her to greet me, but she is not there. When I get a treat for Paco, I’m still saving half for Mia. When I go to bed at night, I’m still checking to be sure Mia is safe in the bedroom. I remember the long walks we took in the winter together. I miss Mia swimming in the lake with us. I miss Mia coming to me late at night, crawling on the couch so I would rub her chest. I can still feel her head on my lap. I so miss her running to me when I’d return home. Mia was always there, never left our sides, always making sure we were all right. I really miss that little dog, my only consolation being, I know she is happy now, up in PawPrints Paradise, alongside her sister Gretta. Always loving you.
      As we both look down and see the sadness and loneliness in our master’s eyes, Mia barks and barks, “Don’t feel sad for me, I am with Gretta now. We are reunited will always be side by side.
      This PawPrints Paradise is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. Sorry to bark that it even beats the Allegheny Forest where we went camping. As Gretta and I walk into this heavenly paradise, you wouldn’t believe the dogs here, all barking to greet me and welcome Gretta back. Gretta tells me to follow her up the meadow hill.
      The vivid green flowing grass, beautiful oak trees, and Aarf, Aarf, a creek, flowing to the rim with clear cold water... off I go, Gretta following along with all these new heavenly pals. Aarf, Aarf.. sticks, sticks, and more sticks to gather up and run with through the creek. I must be in heaven!! No more pills, no more pain, I can run, play, and sleep next to my fur-ever sister Gretta.
      I will never forget my masters, all the love, care, gentleness, and fun we had through the years. I will miss my little brother Paco, but I know he is in good hands. Don’t worry, I’ve got my angel wings now, so am officially a dog-angel. And never underestimate when a dog-angel will quietly be around. Thank you for giving me a wonderful life!
      And don’t worry, our tails are ‘awaggin!
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